You want to get involved? There’s a discount for you!
Whether sweep or for other specialized tasks there is surely something you can do to make your monthly payments.
- Design, interior design, web design, web programmers or programmers, engineers or architects? There’s everything for you. Even a discount on your micro-condominium!
- Do you have arms or legs that work? Involve you and get a micro-condominium discount or almost nothing!
- You have talent for sales, communications and interpersonal skills? Why not sell for us … without pressure against a discount on a micro-condominium!
- Do you like to shop? We need buyers to get the best prices on the best environmental quality products and / or to bid. And your micro-condominium will be cheaper!
- Do you have management skills? The soul entrepreneur or entrepreneur? We give you a discount, in exchange, on your micro-condominium.
- Do you have talents in photos and / or documentary videos? We give you a discount on your micro-condominium to document the project.
- Any task is welcome to help the project. Whether it is to sweep, garden or direct! We have a micro-condominium at a discount waiting for you!
Why collaborative or collaborative discounts?
Because everyone should be able to own and be able in 30 years to pay … 0 $ / month rent for his retirement!
Complete the Employee Application Application Form to make a work-to-job ex
Return it by email to info @ domain name site dot com
(Form in Free Office format. Free Office software available free here).
Women workers wanted